FRA - Airport Codes
Collection 2023/2024
Airport Codes
Premium Display Series
1/400 SCALE
Scale dimensions of the set:
1/400 - Layout board: 29.7x21 cm; Background board: 29.7x14 cm
The set was designed for spotter-style photography.
Set modelled on the Frankfurt Main airport in Germany.
The set presents taxiway intersection between Terminals 1 (Pier C) and 2.. All details have been reproduced from satellite images, including runway lighting. The layout has been matched to the background photo in the best possible way.
The background photo shows Terminal 2 of Flughafen Frankfurt Main. you can see the planes standing at the terminal.Photo printed on satin paper, which brilliantly emits the details of the printed photo. The photo was sourced under a commercial licence from Alamy.
The board in each scale has a different format and will accommodate min. 1 model of any size.
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Varenr.: A4 -FRA400
£29,99 Regulær pris
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